Conference Program is now available (Please see Conference Program section) Dear Colleague, It is with great pleasure to announce the “International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanosystems” (NanoMats2009; to be held at İstanbul Technical University-İstanbul/Turkey, during August 10-13, 2009. The NanoMats2009, endorsed by the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS; ), is a follow up of the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference ( which was held at İTU last year (June 9-13, 2008). The NanoTr4, funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation, brought together American and Turkish scientists and academicians, who work in “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” areas with original research presented by 14 prominent American researchers to further research activities by constructive discussions and future collaborations to be established between them, as well as by a group of prominent researchers from many parts of Europe. In addition to the U.S. participants, there were many participants from Europe, Japan, Singapore and throughout Turkey at NanoTR4. In fact, the NanoTR4 conference, all together, had about 330 presentations in the form of plenary, tutorial, invited, oral and poster papers. The total number of participants were over 800. The NanoMats2009 is organized in collaboration with scientists from İstanbul Technical University, İstanbul University, Akron University and Stevens Institute of Technology. The aim of NanoMats2009 is to bring together International and Turkish scientists and academicians who work in various areas of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for the ultimate purpose of preparing joint research projects and to start collaborative research programs. The conference will bring together researchers from physics, chemistry, materials science and engineering to review the current status, to share new ideas and results to delineate outstanding problems and to guide future research. The NanoMats2009 will also have a strong educational and student outreach component will provide opportunities for young investigators to present their research findings and to learn about the most recent developments in this rapidly moving field. The NanoMats2009 will be unique in promoting the contemporary nature of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology research and will highlight cutting-edge advances in all major areas of Nanomaterials and Nanosystems. This four-day event will feature recent findings in Nanomaterials and Nanosystems research from the leading international academic and industrial experts in the field, in the form of plenaries, invited lectures, oral and poster presentations. The topics to be covered are of vital importance to a wide range of modern technologies in most industries, communication, healthcare, conservation of energy, biology, food, environment, and education, and thus, will have broad impacts on our society. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to invite you to contribute to NanoMats2009 with Oral or Poster presentation. You may find the detailed information about the abstract submission and other important dates for the conference at the WEB site Please also inform your colleagues who would like to attend and/or contribute to NanoMats2009 with Oral or Poster presentation. We look forward to see you in İstanbul at NanoMats2009. On Behalf of the Organizing Committee Prof. Dr. Hilmi Ünlü Chairman of NanoMats2009 Head of Physics Department
İstanbul Technical University