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Sitedeki kullanıcı sayısı: 18

Late news abstracts are accepted until July 10, 2009.

Notification of Acceptance: July 10, 2009

Registration deadline: July 31, 2009

Conference: Aug. 10-13, 2009

Conference Dinner: Aug. 11,2009, will take place at the very prestigious Baltalimanı Social Facilites of İstanbul University along the Bosphorous.

Excursion and sight seeing: Aug. 13, 2009.


We look forward to see you in İstanbul at NanoMats2009.

On Behalf of the Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr. Hilmi Ünlü

Chairman of NanoMats2009
Head of Physics Department

İstanbul Technical University




Conference Dinner (Aug. 11,2009) will take place at the very prestigious Baltalimanı Social Facilites of İstanbul University along the Bosphorous.